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Sherry Sylar


 Principal Oboe

New York Philharmonic

F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

U P C O M I N G   E V E N T S​

“...splendid solo work...”

​-New York Times


“...uncommonly elegant...”

​-Harry Rolnick


"...oboist Sherry Sylar sang really, really beautifully..."

-Jay Nordlinger


"...the best playing of the night..."

-Jay Nordlinger


" ...her first solo recording reveals a musical personality of delicacy, evenness, refined color, and immaculate interpretation"

-Jeanne Belfy, IDRS


Dan Ross, my dearest friend and oboe colleague, passed away November 14.  The loss is overwhelming. Please listen to these clips: the first explains how I feel about  Dan...the second is an excerpt from his favorite singer, Jussi Bjorling.  He always used Bjorling as an exemplar for musical phrase, support, and beauty. 

changed for good.mp3
Pearl Fishers.mp3 Jussi Bjorling/Robert Merrill

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